July 18, 2024

The Andrew Love Cancer Centre Wellness Lounge was officially opened on 5 March.

Among the guests in attendance was The Hon Sarah Henderson MP who unveiled a plaque to mark the occasion. 

As MC Philip Campbell explained, the Supportive Care Centre was built in 2015 with funding from the Federal Government. This included provision of both patient focused areas and clinical review areas. Since opening to patients in 2016, the space has evolved to a welcoming and caring area, now known as the Wellness Lounge.

The activities, facilities and décor are greatly supported by the Barwon Health Foundation, the Dry July Foundation and the community. Based on wellness centres such as the Olivia Newton John Cacner Centre and the Maggie Centres in the UK, the Wellness Lounge is a relaxing and welcoming space to rest and regroup and welcomes around 200 people each week.

Cancer patient and local businessman Phil Stammers described the Wellness Lounge as the key to his health and anchor for his cancer journey, with many heartfelt conversations enjoyed with other patients.

Christine Corby spoke about her experience with the Lounge as a carer to her late husband John.“What this place meant to John and I as a carer was unbelievable. John took the opportunity to make this place his home. It was a place of comfort, compassion and care and he always felt valued and respected by staff and volunteers. As a carer, I valued having information on his disease and having a quiet place to relax and engage.”

Following the official proceedings, guests enjoyed an afternoon tea to the soothing strains of the recently-donated Wellness Lounge piano.

Click here to find out more about the Wellness Lounge.